Contact information
Finnish Seafarers' Union FSU
Visiting address
John Stenbergin ranta 6
Helsinki, Finland
Postal address
John Stenbergin ranta 6
Phone: +358 (0)9 615 2020
E-mail: firstname.lastname(at)
Scandinavian characters are replaced by: ä=a, ö=o, å=a
Please use our safemail if you send a message that contains confindental information.
Opening hours: Monday -Friday 9.00 - 15.00
Office personnel
Joachim Alatalo
+358 50 529 9206
Heikki Karla
Union Secretary
+358 50 435 6094
Tetta Härkönen
Secretary, Union administration
+358 (0)9 6152 0252 / +358 (0)40 4559834
Saana Lamminsivu
+358 (0)45 7730 1020
Pia Levin
Executive Advisor, Legal Counsel
+358 (09) 6152 0254 / +358 (0)40 7069 863
Kenneth Bengts
+358 (0)9 6152 0258 / +358 (0)40 455 1229
Patrick Kuronen
+358 (0)9 6152 0251 / +358 40 178 7774
Jussi Katajainen
Financial Manager, CFO
+358 (0)9 6152 0218 / +358 (0)50 526 1965
Kirsi Kostiainen
+358 (0)9 6152 0219
Saara Nordberg
Membership Register Secretary
+358 (0)9 6152 0256
Contacts primarily via e-mail
Contact information of Open Unemployment Fund A-kassa
Telephone service: 029 372 4000
Open Mon-Fri from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You can find exceptional opening hours on the Open Unemployment Fund’s website.