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You can become a member of the Finnish Seafarers' Union and its Unemployment Fund if you work on a merchant ship, in coastal and inland water transportation, on a tugboat or in some other capacity, which is connected to shipping.

Fill the application here. Maritime students can join the Seafarers' Union during their studies. You will find the application for students here.

If you already are a member you can sign in to the membership service here

The Union protects you

The most significant benefit of membership is that employees do not need to negotiate by themselves with their employer about the minimum terms and conditions of employment. The trade union will do this on the members' behalf. The Finnish Seafarers' Union has concluded and will conclude collective bargaining agreements with the shipping company associations, shipping companies and with other employers about salaries and their increases, overtime remuneration, working hours, annual holidays and other important terms and conditions of employment.

The Finnish Seafarers' Union also monitors compliance with these collective agreements. The union's members are also entitled to expert-, negotiation- and legal assistance in situations of dispute in working life.

The members are also entitled to receive other benefits offered by the Finnish Seafarers' Union, many of which include substantial discounts and other benefits of monetary value.

As a member of the Finnish Seafarers´ Union you can participate in making decisions connected to your working place and in creating guidelines for the operations of your own trade union. Membership of the Finnish Seafarers´ Union brings protection to your working day. Together we will create strength and we can ensure the rights of seafarers. Join the Union and make a difference!

You can read more about the activities and member benefits of the Seafarer's Union in this leaflet